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Tempo of the track in beats per minute. If the track has multiple BPM's this won't be reflected as only one BPM figure will show.
172 BPM
Key of the track. Useful if you are trying to find songs this will work well with for DJing, singing a cover or trying to find the notes which make up the song.
C Maj
Average loudness of the track in decibels (dB). Values typically are between -60 and 0 decibels. Tracks are rarely above -4 db and usually are around -4 to -9 db.
Time signature(?)
How many beats there are per measure/bar.

A measure on how popular the track is on Spotify. This metric is calculated mostly on how many plays have been recently, so a very popular song from the past will have a lower popularity score than a recent track with many plays. If you click on the 32% underlined to the right, it will take you to Musicstax Metrics which tracks popularity over time.
A measure on how intense a track sounds, through measuring the dynamic range, loudness, timbre, onset rate and general entropy. 0% indicates low energy, 100% indicates high energy.
A measure on how suitable a track could be for dancing to, through measuring tempo, rhythm, stability, beat strength and overall regularity. Tracks near 0% are least danceable, whereas tracks near 100% are more suited for dancing to.
A measure how positive, happy or cheerful track is. Values near 0% suggest a sad or angry track, where values near 100% suggest a happy and cheerful track.
A measure on the presence of spoken words. Values below 33% suggest it is just music, values between 33% and 66% suggest both music and speech (such as rap), values above 66% suggest there is only spoken word (such as a podcast).
A measure on how likely it is the track has been recorded in front of a live audience instead of in a studio. This is measured by detecting the presence of an audience in the track. Values over 80% suggest that the track was most definitely performed in front of a live audience.
A measure on how likely the track is acoustic. The higher the number, the more likely it is there is no electronic instruments and that the instruments in the track are created through acoustic instruments.
A measure on how likely the track does not contain any vocals. Values over 50% indicate an instrumental track, values near 0% indicate there are lyrics.

Discover songs similar to Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, Kapitel 9 - Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke)

Alles zusammen! - Kapitel 2 - Alles Schule!: Alles vorbereitet!, Alles aufgeweckt!, Alles eingeschult!, Alles aus und vorbei!, Alles zusammen! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) cover art
Der Kleine Rabe Socke - Alles zusammen! - Kapitel 2 - Alles Schu...
16% popularity • 172 bpm • C Maj • 05:02 • 4/4
Alles besser!, Teil 3.2 & Alles besser!, Teil 4.1 - Alles schläft? (Alles ohne Ende!, Alles Monster!, Alles verbummelt!, Alles besser!) (Der kleine Rabe Socke) cover art
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19% popularity • 172 bpm • C Maj • 04:07 • 4/4
Polizei - Teil 10 cover art
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32% popularity • 172 bpm • A Maj • 02:29 • 3/4
Das kleine Gespenst im Museum cover art
Otfried Preußler - Das kleine Gespenst im Museum
21% popularity • 175 bpm • D min • 05:43 • 3/4
Nicht hauen, lieber toben cover art
Hurra Kinderlieder - Nicht hauen, lieber toben
24% popularity • 170 bpm • C Maj • 02:25 • 4/4
Die Zähne des Alligators - Teil 1 cover art
Anna und die wilden Tiere - Die Zähne des Alligators - Teil 1
23% popularity • 168 bpm • A Maj • 03:10 • 5/4
Alles saust um die Wette! - Kapitel 6 - Alles vermurkst!, Alles geheim!, Alles saust um die Wette! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) cover art
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15% popularity • 172 bpm • C Maj • 03:34 • 4/4
Jakob und die nasse Hose.2 & Jakob hilft Papa.1 - Jakob und sein Schnuller - Jakob geht zum Kinderturnen - Jakob streitet sich mit Conni und verträgt sich wieder - Jakob und die nasse Hose - Jakob hilft Papa (Jakob, der kleine Bruder von Conni) cover art
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Das Dinosaurierlied cover art
Was Ist Was Junior - Das Dinosaurierlied
34% popularity • 177 bpm • A min • 03:00 • 4/4
Sockes Flugschule - Kapitel 01 - Sockes Flugschule, Die Waldhochzeit, Der Riesenschreck (Der kleine Rabe Socke - Hörspiele zur TV Serie 13) cover art
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19% popularity • 163 bpm • C Maj • 05:08 • 4/4
Kapitel 1 - Der Räuber Hotzenplotz - Hörspiele 1: Der Räuber Hotzenplotz - Das Hörspiel cover art
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Pusten, trösten, Pflaster drauf! cover art
Hurra Kinderlieder - Pusten, trösten, Pflaster drauf!
31% popularity • 166 bpm • D Maj • 02:20 • 4/4
Bäsetanz cover art
Globi - Bäsetanz
11% popularity • 162 bpm • F Maj • 02:42 • 4/4
Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, Kapitel 9 - Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) cover art
Der Kleine Rabe Socke - Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, ...
34% popularity • 172 bpm • C Maj • 01:49 • 4/4
Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, Kapitel 9 - Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) is a song by Der Kleine Rabe Socke, released on 1998. It is track number 9 in the album Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) [Drei Geschichten vom kleinen Raben Socke]. Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, Kapitel 9 - Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) has a BPM/tempo of 172 beats per minute, is in the key of C Maj and has a duration of 1 minute, 49 seconds.

Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, Kapitel 9 - Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) is very popular on Spotify, being rated between 30 and 90% popularity on Spotify right now. It is likely that this track is being shared by many people across the world, played on the radio and on a number of Spotify playlists receiving thousands of streams, is fairly energetic and is very easy to dance to.

Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, Kapitel 9 - Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke) info

Der kleine Rabe Socke: Alles gefärbt!, Kapitel 9 - Alles Frühling!: Alles Freunde!, Alles wächst!, Alles gefärbt! (Der kleine Rabe Socke)
Release Date
1st May 1998
C Maj
Loudness (db)
Time signature
Song Number
9 of 9